Millions of dollars recovered
for WTC Victims From the VCF
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thousands of VCF claims

More Information on VCF Eligibility


The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks changed our lives forever. The effects of the World Trade center attack are still impacting tens of thousands of rescue and recovery workers, office workers and residents who were exposed to the toxic air and dust in lower Manhattan. William Dubanevich has been helping these individuals since day one. He understands how their lives and their families lives have been turned upside down from death, cancer, lung disease and other illnesses caused by exposure to the contaminated air. Day in and day out, he continues to help individuals obtain medical treatment, financial compensation and closure for the harm they suffered.

VCF Eligibility Guidelines

How do I know I am eligible for compensation?

In order for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) to find you eligible for compensation you must first file a claim and meet the following minimum requirements:

  • You must have been present in the New York City Exposure Zone (south of Canal Street, Manhattan and/or in Fresh Kills, Staten Island and/or at loading Piers) at any time between September 11, 2001 and May 30, 2002.
  • This means anyone who was in the exposure zone including but not limited to: rescue and recovery workers, first responders, firefighters, police officers, construction workers, utility workers, cleaners, residents, office workers, students, teachers, residents and business owners.
  • You must have a WTC-related physical injury that is certified by the WTC Health Program or is certifiable by The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
  • You must have registered with by the deadline that applies to you. Remember that registering is separate and different from filing a VCF claim! Calculating the applicable deadline can be tricky. You can call the Victim Compensation Fund at (855) 885-1555 to see what date you may have registered. And you should contact us to determine which deadline applies to you.

Can I make a claim for lost wages?

Making a Claim for Economic Loss and Permanent Disability Because of 9/11-Related Injuries

To make an economic loss claim under the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF), you will need to prove you suffered an economic loss because of your World Trade Center-related physical injuries. Do you have a disability determination from any of the following?

  • FDNY WTC Bill
  • Lung Bill
  • Social Security Disability
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • 9/11 Volunteer Fund
  • NYPD WTC Bill
  • Union Disability
  • Private Disability Insurance Policy
  • Line of Duty Injury Award


Economic loss includes lost wages, loss of future earnings, loss of past earnings, loss of pension, replacement services, unreimbursed medical expenses, and out of pocket expenses.

Call us today at 212-286-8264 to discuss what you must do to make an economic loss claim to the VCF. Or submit online inquiry, and we will call you at a time that is convenient to you.

Can I make a claim for a loved one who passed way due to a WTC related illness?

If you have suffered the loss of a loved one due to a WTC related illness a Wrongful Death Claim can be filed with the VCF

Did your loved one die because of a WTC related injury?

Please call for a free consultation with a VCF attorney at 212- 286-8264 or email

Contact us now to see if we can help. Consultations are free with no obligation.

New York

60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600
New York, NY 10165

White Plains

445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102
White Plains, NY 10601