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for WTC Victims From the VCF
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About Attorney William J. Dubanevich

Attorney William (Bill) J. Dubanevich

Mr. Dubanevich has devoted his career to protecting and advancing the rights of workers, consumers and the environment.
About William J. Dubanevich - his legal career, expertise, accolades and law firm
Mr. Dubanevich represents individuals who were exposed to World Trade Center (WTC) toxins, injured on the job, exposed to environmental pollution and cheated by corporate fraud. He has a long history of advocating for and advancing the rights of workers and consumers and protecting the environment. Before attending law school, he was the Director of Safety and Health for the New York State Building and Construction Trades’ Council for the AFL-CIO, where he developed occupational safety and health programs for affiliated unions. He later became the Director of the Hudson Valley regional Office for the New York Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (NYCOSH), where he provided safety and health training to workers and performed workplace environmental and safety audits. As President of Hudson Environmental Services he performed environmental and workplace hazard assessments and developed compliance programs for the construction industry. Mr. Dubanevich attended Pace University School of Law’s Environmental Law Program, and was selected to participate in Pace’s prestigious Environmental Litigation Clinic. He obtained his Juris Doctorate and Certificate in Environmental Law and received The Henry M. Feldschuh Environmental Law Award, The White Plains Bar Association Outstanding Clinical Award and Pace University School of Law Excellence in Clinical Education Award.

Following law school, Mr. Dubanevich joined a law firm and represented first responders, construction workers and recovery workers who were suffering from pulmonary disease and other illnesses as a result of exposure to WTC toxins. He successfully helped represent thousands of WTC heroes to the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund (VCF) and obtained significant compensation for his clients. After the first VCF closed in December 2003, he continued to fight for WTC Heroes in the WTC Litigation filed in federal court and currently represents WTC Heroes in the 9-11/Zadroga Act Compensation Fund.

Mr. Dubanevich was head of the environmental litigation departments for two large law firms in New York City. Mr. Dubanevich has represented municipal water districts and private individuals throughout New York, New England, and Florida in litigation over ground water contaminated with Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (“MTBE”), creosote, arsenic and other hazardous chemicals. He facilitated the recovery of tens of millions of dollars on behalf of plaintiffs damaged by environmental contamination. Mr. Dubanevich also represents individuals who suffered from catastrophic personal injury due to the negligence of others and represents construction workers, firefighters, police officers and others who suffer from work related injuries and illnesses from toxic substance exposure.

Contact us now to see if we can help. Consultations are free of charge or obligation.

New York

60 East 42nd Street, Suite 4600
New York, NY 10165

White Plains

445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1102
White Plains, NY 10601